Introducing Poppins.

Introducing Poppins.

Introducing Poppins.

Your personal AI nanny, trained on the latest science.

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Your personal AI nanny, trained on the latest science.

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Your personal AI nanny, trained on the latest science.

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Answers are based on 3,000+ academic journals and studies from the last 5 years, and counting.


Get clear steps on what to do in a variety of parenting dilemmas. Upload images or even ask for images to help explain the situation.

Get clear steps on what to do in a variety of parenting dilemmas. Upload images or even ask for images to help explain the situation.

Get clear steps on what to do in a variety of parenting dilemmas. Upload images or even ask for images to help explain the situation.




Coming soon: input your child's age, health, and challenges and Poppins will interpret the science in a way that is personalized to them.


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